Thursday, January 22, 2009


So keep in mind that when this story happened, it was hilarious. It may not transfer well to print.
I took Elle and Miles grocery shopping while Morgan was in school today. Elle likes to sit up front and get buckled in & Miles likes to sit in the back and play with the groceries until there is no longer room for him. So I had some Motrin, Barbie bandaids, deodorant, shaving cream, and milk in the cart. I reached in the door for some yogurt when Miles started freaking out. He was screaming and crying and flailing. I looked down and saw that he must have started playing with the shaving cream because the milk was covered in it & it was all over his shoes and coat. He kept flailing his arms and legs to get it off, but it wasn't helping. I laughed to the point of tears.


Kristi said...

I think that is hilarious! I sure wish you would have thought to take a picture with your phone - it would have been so funny to see.

Lisa said...

Well at least he didn't eat it...had it been Elle in the back, welllll...

LouandAngela said...

You have such a great sense of humor! I would have skipped the laughing stage and gone straight to crying--or wanting to scream! I hate a mess! I know you do too, but you seem to be able to laugh at them first!

I hope you're doing well. I've thought about you often, but am crazy busy here, so haven't done much about my good intentions.

The Bunnell's said...

That is funny. It looks like he is starting the shaving thing a little early :)