Saturday, December 18, 2010

Felt Dinos

Here is the present I made for my favorite neighbor and very good friend. She helps me out so much, so I made her a little Xmas present for her son who is Miles' age. Everything is hand-stitched, including the little dinosaurs. Now I just need to make one for me... Super proud of this one :)


Stacie said...

AAAHHH!!! I KNEW it had to be you who made this!!! I just saw the one you made for Noah on Em's blog and immediately came over to yours. Lo' and behold, the amazingness continues!! I would love a tutorial on how you did this, it is more than precious and I hope you are VERY proud!

Amanda Fleming said...

This is soooo adorable! I love dinosaurs and am so excited I will now have a boy to have the excuse of playing with them. lol. Where do you get your clevernes?? So creative. LOVE IT!

The Bunnell's said...

So cute!!!! Way to go, I am sure your mom is very proud :)