Friday, May 1, 2009


I was looking at my blog the other day, and realized that I never put in a link to my mom's blog. I remember doing it at one point, but I must not have saved it or something. Anyway, it is there now. It is called Babyrayz. I have had so many people tell me how jealous they are that my mom is so crafty, and by all means, they should be. My mom can do anything. She always makes the cutest stuff for me and my kids on holidays, and the homemade stuff is always what I treasure the most. If you have not seen what she makes, you must check it out. On her blog you are able to purchase a lot of the things she makes for babies. These are great for baby gifts, but better for your own kids! My personal favorite is the puzzle ball. They are so soft and squishy, and best of all, machine washable! What more could you ask for? Anyway, check it out and please let me know what you think!


Stacie said...

I LOVED the puzzle ball! It makes me sad I don't have any babies in the house right now to shop for!

Emily S. said...

oh I am SO glad you posted this! I remember from WAAAY back when how much I loved all the cute stuff your mom made. I forgot to write down her site then. But rest assured I'll be using her one of these days, now that I have her blog bookmarked!

Hm... wonder if she'd make me a card-table playhouse??